Funkytown gore real video. Kid climbing up a pole to touch a powerline, getting electrocuted. Funkytown gore real video

 Kid climbing up a pole to touch a powerline, getting electrocutedFunkytown gore real video  xavier

That is subjective. They pulled the skin off his face and cut off his hands. They linked it so you good, but it was enough to write "funky town gore" or "funky town cartel" on Google. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. FunkyTown Gore. She was doused with petroleum products and reignited three times. 1 SONG • 2 MINUTES • APR 20 2021. The guy is somehow completely conscious and screams/chokes on his own blood. Home; Search; Your Library. A video was posted like a year ago, and to some other threads there are links to the vid available. Funky town gore. 1. Sharing of these videos serv. Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gómez alias "El Bravo" was the head of security for El Chapo On April 9, 2014, "El Bravo" was tortured and shot several times. . ago. Funky town gore Published 11 months ago • 19K views a abinaya411 By abinaya41 Privacy Public Category Cartel Language English Tags Duration 2min 50sec SORT BY 11 months ago Other videos AUTOPLAY Toggle 1:21 miami florida beach 1 day ago • 49 views epicfails 0:05 kid gets fire in his mouth 1 day ago • 88 views epicfails 0:45 Published 1 year ago • 565K views. I will warn you again, your life is better not knowing the details. _. abinaya411 By abinaya41. . One Of The Most Disturbing Video's On The Internet. FunkyTown Gore Rare Footage (18+) WorthNot Jan 08, 2023 . On February 14, 2021, a video titled "Hi" was uploaded to goretube. ago. Real-Time. 4K views. Yeah, the Guerrero beheading (father) and flaying (son) for me is worse than Funky Town. The Body Of A Former Prisoner Killed By 6 Shots 3 908 3 0. Episodios que se están reproduciendo ahora. "Funkytown Gore" es un video de Shock que apareció en línea en 2016, subido a la plataforma documentingreality. . And I wonder if a video can disgust me. He also has his hands cut off, and he’s alive the whole time. This video shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pa. . Este video recuerdo que lo vi por primera vez hace unos meses, cuando me lo pasaron por whatsapp. People talk about Guerrero Flaying or whatever the name is, that thing is emotionally hard to watch, but Funkytown is for sure the number 1 video for pain and torture to a single person, and I think that physical pain and torture is 100 times worse than emotional. Funky Town Cartel Gore video is a shocking 2 mins. "Funkytown Gore" es un video de Shock que apareció en línea en 2016, subido a la plataforma documentingreality. Purchase Options. Funkytown or Funky Town is the name of an infamous viral video in which a cartel execution is carried out in a room, with the song "Funkytown" being audibly heard in the final 10 seconds of the 2:50-minute-long video. During the video, they cut his throat with a box knife. Discover videos related to funkytown gore on TikTok. plays in the background along with some other tunes. 396 Views . E. -. Funkytown Football. TikTok video from Nyasome (@beastedkitty): "I know I don’t normally upload this content but I want to change it and yes I’m coming back to tiktok #fyp #Horrify #funkytown #funkytowng0re #handgestures #gore". GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. In the video, some cartel members decapitate a man and play soccer with his head in a familiar-looking, white-tiled, mostly empty room. . Honestly, this started with me trying to figure. Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gómez alias "El Bravo" was the head of security for El Chapo On April 9, 2014, "El Bravo" was tortured and shot several times. Funkytown gore reactionTo win the post notifications shoutout just be the first person to comment on the next video. The footage shows a masked man. The video is almost 2 minutes and 50 seconds long. It’s a man tied to the floor surrounded by blood as cartel goons flay his face off and attempt to decapitate him with a box cutter. Here’s HORROR. Brazilian rival gang member beheaded and dumped into the river. Re-uploaded because original was bad Another video by the cartel that made funky town however, in this one they're having. seegore. Funky Town Gore. Reactions: Buttfucker 3000. _inte4este_ • 4 mo. So basically. talk about it talk about it #funkytown #funkytowng0re #funkytowngorevid #xyzbca #fyp. The worst video I have ever seen. Funky town, ghost rider, etc. Subscribe. 6K Likes, 112 Comments. com, que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por parte de un cartel del narcotráfico mexicano. Video gore “QUIERO AGUA” sin censura – hombre sin cara pide agua. Subscribe 7. business inquiries: [email protected]. 2 songs can be heard in the video one after another. comment. Details, facts, news and more about funky town gore. My dream as a solo dev became real: Timecop1983 joined Mega City Police with his iconic music and new project - sublunar. 9/10, be careful. The thing for me is, Funky Town is already a gruesome sight, the flaying and hand removal has already happened, the attempts at defense (with no hands) and screams. Funky Town Cartel Gore Video Explained. ago. Published 10 months ago • 6. . linktr. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in an inhuman way. Hi everyone, I know funky town is a cartel video or torture video or some kind of gore, I wanna understand what Sem is saying in Haunted Mound Reapers, but do not want to see the actual video. In This Video I explained what's inside Funky Town cartel video which is supposed to be worst video on Internet #cartell #hindiMusic used in this video -nazw była dość trudna, więc proszę o wyrozumiałość 🌺FB: rycerze niedoli IG: notyourfckingproblemLil Aang - FunkyTown Gore by Lil Aang. Human bodies ravaged by the war in Afghanistan. What are the absolute worst drug cartel execution videos you have ever seen? - Quora. And 50 secs. Eu não vi o video, mas vi um video, no youtube, de um canal em inglês que relata todos os detalhes desses videos de gore para que as pessoas curiosas não vejam e saibam do que acontece no video, e em um dos videos ele fala sobre esse "funkytown execution". 0. Re-uploaded because original was bad Another video by the cartel that made funky town however, in this one they're having fun with the dead bodies of their victims. 1 / 4. HD 01:03 37 Year Old Woman Hit By A Car. Dead Man Hanging On The Railing Of The Bridge. /r/eudoxiamysteries , 2023-02-06, 08:26:58. Beliebte Shows heute. · 26 days ago. NSFW. Von uns empfohlen. Reactions: LilBuddy67. The video several tkmes. Best gore videos, uncensored crime news, shock site. The DVD is a real gem and well worth the hunt. 7K Comments. ago. The gore was. • 3 days ago. 2021. Using an ActivityPub account Subscribe with an account on this instance. . It's a cartel torture video, if you haven't watched horrific gore before then don't start with this one. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real. In this video I talk about what I seen in this intense video I watched. ahmedkarlos1. Kid climbing up a pole to touch a powerline, getting electrocuted. So no one will really know how much he truly suffered. a. Man skinned alive. Took off his face. Encuentra podcasts similares. Popular shows today. I don't know, like i said it's fucked for sure. 2 629 3 1. Karma_lol69 • 9 mo. NSFW. . Want to add this video to your favorites? Sign in to VidLii now! Want to add this video to your playlists? Sign in to VidLii now! Want to flag this video?. Published 10 months ago • 6. It was the first and last animal gore video I’ve ever watched. instagram: @ xixal. Let's find some podcasts to follow We'll keep you updated on new episodes. 1. In my Videos I want to explain and show y. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reviews There are no reviews yet. 3K. What's the backstory behind the infamous Funkytown video? Arguably the most infamous gore video on the entire internet, and for good reason, it's absolutely terrifying. Then, one morning in September 2016, Todd deliberately and brutally beat Barbara to death on the side of a road before staging a freak car accident. snowyyf. Play. xixal xd - Funky Town Gore (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube ‎Funky Town Gore - Single de xixal xd en Apple Music Lipps Inc. To explain the video, basically it's this dude laying in a massive amount of blood while a group of men are standing around him. 1k. xixal xd. Episoden werden gerade abgespielt. PeerTube JavaScript required. Beliebte Podcasts. And they start going at his face with knives and shit. Playlists. If you go to the NSFL page, you can (internally) search for the vid. The funky-town video was Spanish, and Brazilians do not speak Spanish. 244. Ghost rider is a video of a man having his entire head set on fire like in Ghost Rider until his face is completely burned. Consistent_Zombie663 • 1 yr. produced by: SMEbeats. Wtf bro. 465. ee/xixalxd. The act looked like a revenge game or a rivalry act. r/PixelArt. Atomic By a. You’d think he’d have gone into shock and been paralyzed or something from the amount of blood lost but he’s moving and screaming the entire video. In the footage of the Funky Town Football Gore video, as internet sources claim, the group first played the song ‘Funky Town’ and then executed the man in the worst way possible. It shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain while Sweet Child O' Mine and later Funkytown are playing in the background. In the video, some cartel members. Try asking urban dictionary, just don't look for the thing itself. ago. 2K Likes, 5. Von den Medien empfohlen. Not his head, only the skin on his fake. Well, no, the cartel prabably gave him some kind of drug to keep him concious, since he keeps making this weird, gargling sound all the time, you cant call it screaming, cuz it doesnt sound human anymore. Upload Video. Podcasts de actualidad. Discover. I'm trying to see if there's a full length video to Funky Town Gore that shows what the cartel members do before the start of the official video that most. if you go to @ colleigay he explains it all on tiktok. Ella es Junko Furuta, una chica que a sus 17 años murió a manos de 4 compañeros de secundaria que la secuestraron durante 44 días, a la salida del colegio. Recomendado por nosotros. 1. The video is named Funkytown, because almost at the end of the recording, the song Funkytown by Lipps start playing, and one. His sexy lower half was severed by an accident. Listen to Funky Town Gore on Spotify. gore videos. The audio might be the worst part. An area for real crime related death videos that do not fit into other areas. . Published 1 year ago • 565K views. 28. TikTok video from Cortez/History• Taking a shit (@history_edits02): "if you don't know what this means search Funky town gore, this one is just a demonstration on what happened, thank you. net by user UzeeeT. Beste Podcasts. 2. Funkytown Football. A video showed a Mexican cartel lining up victims for a mass execution. usuarioplayerf.