By state law, council members can appoint a council clerk to assist with their duties. CONTACT INFORMATION Main Office, City Hall 200 Forrest Street 1st and 2nd Floor 601-545-4609CONTACT INFORMATION. 1582, sec. Land use decisions considered by appointed bodies—the Hattiesburg Planning. (Ord. III. 1-1. 22-16 - 22-19 Art. report to the Tax Collector and the Land Development Code Administrator of the City of Hattiesburg and obtain written approval in order to insure that the terms and provisions of the Mississippi Code and City of Hattiesburg Code of Ordinances regulating transient vendors and this ordinance have been met (Ord. Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Friday, November 4, the City of Hattiesburg’s Veterans Committee and Mayor Toby Barker announced Sergeant 1st Class Nelson Haskin, Jr. 2021 REDISTRICTING Every 10 years following the decennial census, ward lines must be redrawn so that each ward is substantially equal in population. Standard Building Code, secs. 2615, sec 4, 12-16-97; Ord. How Code designated and cited. Below are key details: Owners and operators must register their golf cart or low-speed vehicle with the City Clerk’s Office at 200 Forrest Street (2nd Floor). B. 1st and 2nd Floor. The City of Hattiesburg strives to provide its residents with quality trash/garbage/recycling pick-up and water services, with a rapidly-responsive and citizen-centered focus. 22-1 --- 22-11 Art. 0 Square Miles NEWS & UPDATES Hattiesburg Celebrates Parks & Recreation Week July 17 – July 21 July 14, 2023 Read More Two City Buildings Named for Hattiesburg Mayors July 6, 2023 Read More. Fri,05/15/20-12:05PM, 5,140 Reads. 601-545-4522 Post Office Box 1898 Update: 1/19/21 – Food Truck Ordinance: recently the City Council adopted Ordinance 3286 to allow for mobile food truck vendors in the City of Hattiesburg. The document is available for inspection and comments from the public for 30 days following the date of this notice from June 10, 2021 through July 12, 2021. He became the youngest person ever elected to the. Many residential services needed throughout the City of Hattiesburg can be found within the Department of Urban Development. They include: Name of Board/Commission. . m. ) At-large or running at large is defined as any animal (except cats) within the city not kept under restraint. 3. 3-2. Since April, stakeholder groups, community members and more have provided feedback to shape the scope of the drafted ordinance. “The City of Hattiesburg has been selecting and honoring an outstanding civic leader who served our nation honorably through the. The City of Hattiesburg will accept comments on the goal document. (Chapter 4, Article II. Let's talk about the City Ordinance that does not state whether or not chickens are legal in the city. Mayor Toby Barker. GOVERNMENT. The Hattiesburg Historic Conservation Commission (HHCC) is a 9-member board of citizen volunteers who are appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, to guide the historic preservation process. AAA Ambulance Board (includes a City representative) Cable Advisory Board. 1, 2, 4-6-77)Hattiesburg, Mississippi – During the August 16 meeting of the Hattiesburg City Council, a new ordinance regulating golf carts and low-speed vehicle usage on city roads was approved. Planning. Hattiesburg City Council members have voted to adopt or amend ordinances regarding guidelines pertaining to public assembly and block parties, to fit in with events such as the protests during last summer’s political unrest and other gatherings. 2748, secJEFFREY GEORGE. To begin any of these services,. Standard Existing Building Code, secs. From the 1920s through the 1950s, residentialCITY OF HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, REPEALING AND REPLACING THE ORDINANCE NUMBERS 2090, 1836 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH Whereas, municipalities in Mississippi have the power to make regulations to secure the general health of the. This information is intended to provide individuals interested in public service careers with the City an opportunity to be made aware of jobs that become available and. Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1898 Hattiesburg, MS 39403 (601)545-4550 (601)545-4550 INDEXING INSTRUCTIONS: ORDINANCE NO. II. Meeting Time/Place. The ordinance requires that all golf carts and low-speed vehicles operated on public roads within the City be registered through the City Clerk’s office. within the City of Hattiesburg in violation of any of the terms and provisions of any statute of the State of Mississippi, or in violation of any rules and regulations promulgated by the Mississippi State Tax Commission, or ordinance of the City of Hattiesburg. COUNTY OFFICIALSHattiesburg, Mississippi – To help families plan a productive summer full of enrichment opportunities across a variety of community partners, the City of Hattiesburg has released its 2023 edition of the Hub City Summer Guide. Four locally-recognized historic neighborhood districts were built around the city center between the late 1800s and the 1920s. The Hattiesburg City Council adopts local ordinances—the City Code of Ordinances and the Land Development Code—establishes city policies, prepares annual budgets and capital improvement programs, and makes daily decisions that are consistent with the plan. The City of Hattiesburg is issuing a Request for Proposals for a Master Plan from planners, architects, engineers and other related professionals for an area bound (generally) by. txt) or read online for free. com. ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE PROPOSED UPDATES // WORKING DRAFT 3 Added provision 4: Any other fees assessed by the City’s contracted animal shelter for reimbursement of actual costs to the shelter for medical or other forms of care beyond the norm. Civil Service Commission. (WDAM) - The Hattiesburg City Council unanimously passed an ordinance Tuesday night removing jail time as a punishment for first-time possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana. IV. Sec. The vote was taken at the Nov. pdf), Text File (. 601-545-4599. as the 2022 Veteran of the Year. After a contentious meeting Monday – and the strenuous objection of one councilwoman and several residents – Hattiesburg City Council members voted 4-1 Tuesday to amend a current ordinance to allow the operation of cigar bars in the city. The ordinance, which was passed at a special. (Appendix B, page B 28, Code of Ordinances, City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 601-554-1027. 4522, 8 a. 22-20 --- 22. The following ordinances are available online. E. 34. 200 Forrest Street. City Ordinance number 1324 states that it is unlawful to permit animals to run at-large. 2504, sec 4, 11-8-94; Ord. Code Enforcement. The City Clerk/Tax Division is the office of records, voter registration, business licensing and garage sale permits. Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401 Telephone: (601) 583-2182 APPROVED NOVEMBER 19, 2009 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2010 AMENDED JULY 18, 2019 . com or mail. This resource guide provides referral information for crisis lines, food programs, homeless shelters, medical services and more. In August 2022, the Hattiesburg City Council voted unanimously to establish Ordinance No. Hattiesburg, Mississippi – During the August 1 Work Session of the Hattiesburg City Council, the first draft of an ordinance regulating golf carts and low-speed vehicle usage on city roads was presented by Ward 1 Councilman Jeffrey George. Chapter 22 STANDARD CODES Art. A Privilege Tax License is also required. to 5 p. If our office can ever be of help, please reach out to us by emailing or calling us at 601-545-4501. 1490. Neighborhood Coordinator. This process, called. 545. enforce this ordinance and all amendments to said ordinance of the City of Hattiesburg and authority to investigate suspected cases of arson and to make arrests in the case of arson. (Ord. The ordinance, as currently drafted, requires that all golf carts and low-speed vehicles. The City Clerk of the City of Hattiesburg is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to insert at the appropriate place therein, a certificate to the effect that said Fire Prevention Code as recommended by the Southern. There are more than 20 boards and commissions for the City of Hattiesburg, with members appointed by the Mayor. The Hattiesburg Planning Commission has was created by the Mayor and City Council as an advisory committee to address zoning matters and is vested with the rights and responsibilities as provided in Mississippi Code Annotated Section 17-1-17 (1972), and established in the City of Hattiesburg Ordinance No. 2820, sec. Mayor Toby Barker. The Commission meets monthly on the second Wednesday to review applications for Certificates of Appropriateness (COA). Council discusses updates to noise ordinance. Jan 14, 2010. Scribd. 601-545-4609. Under Section 6-1. The City of Hattiesburg’s Human Resources Department provides support to the mayor of the City of Hattiesburg in the management and governing of the City’s human resources. I. m. Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Standard Fire Prevention Code, secs. A copy of the manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the amendments, official rulings on request for interpretations, changes and experimentations and all additions to said manual, be filed with the city clerk of the City of Hatties burg, Mississippi. (Ord. The ordinances embraced in the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated "The Code of Ordinances of. If you regularly see a homeless individual in the same location and think he/she may benefit from services, please. Hattiesburg Code of Ordinances - Table of Contents | PDF | Street | Nature Hattiesburg Code of Ordinances - Table of Contents - Free download as PDF File (. The Hattiesburg Planning Commission has was created by the Mayor and City Council as an advisory committee to address zoning matters and is vested with the rights and. Semi-Monthly (as needed), City Hall. All the best, Toby Barker. COUNCIL STAFF. It looks like Hattiesburg City Council will vote as soon as June 4 on Ward 2 Council member Deborah Delgado's proposed ordinance to set up a minor fine for possession of small amounts of marijuana. “We had a great deal of feedback about last year’s guide – about how helpful it was for parents to plan. ZONING ORDINANCE OF LAMAR COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Prepared By Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District 9229 Highway 49. 16 council meeting, when council members agreed to. 7, 9-14-66) Sec. The council clerk maintains an office on the second floor of City Hall and can be contacted by telephone at 601-545-4551, fax 601-545-4957, or by email at [email protected]. The. If approved, the. Bio & Press Photos; Our Values; 2018-2019 Goals; Summer Jobs 2022; Mayor’s Youth Council; Proclamation Requests; Hattiesburg City CouncilUnder the ordinance, food truck permits can be acquired through the City of Hattiesburg’s Planning Division, for an annual fee of $250. Although there exists a noise ordinance prohibiting loud noise at certain times of the day and night throughout the City of Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg City Council President Carter Carroll has recently prompted an update to those measures, especially in areas of mixed-use developments. DRAFT OF THE CITY OF HATTIESBURG AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR REGISTRATION AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN RENTAL DWELLINGS SECTION 1. HATTIESBURG, Miss. Hattiesburg’s city center, the architecture and development patterns of neighborhoods reflected the times, styles, and technologies of each successive period. 4, 6-3-03; Ord. 100. For comparison, below are the progression of. As restaurants and bars in Hattiesburg slowly begin to reopen under strict guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hattiesburg City Council members have instituted a city-wide “to-go cup” ordinance they hope will help bolster revenue at those establishments. 1886, secs. City of Hattiesburg, to and from a given destination. 4, 7-. Animal Care. REPLACING THE ORDINANCE NUMBERS 2090, 1836 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH Whereas, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, deems it appropriate to revise City ordinance regarding Animal Control to promote the welfare and safety of the community; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. If you are or would like to become a chicken owner and live in Hattiesburg, MS, let's talk. Written comments must be received by July 12, 2021 by email to [email protected]. and streets within the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Jeffrey George is entering his second term as City Council representative for Ward One, which encompasses the northwestern part of Hattiesburg including The University of Southern Mississippi, the Highland neighborhood and the Hattiesburg Country Club area. Main Office, City Hall. 77. 2378, sec. 601-554-1027. 3084, sec 4, 2-21-12;Ord. Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1898. A. 3316 to allow for golf carts and low-speed vehicles on city streets, as set forth by state statute. , Monday through Friday, or write to: Post Office Box 1898. Hattiesburg, Mississippi – A third draft for an update to the 1982 Animal Control Ordinance is now available for review by City Council members and the community. REPEALED Art. For further information regarding any service of the City Clerk/Tax Division, please call 601. GOVERNMENT. Animal Control, Division 1. Bio & Press Photos; Our Values; 2018-2019 Goals; Summer Jobs 2022; Mayor’s Youth Council; Proclamation Requests; Hattiesburg City CouncilMany opportunities exist for you to plug into any one of our community initiatives, and we want you to be part of making Hattiesburg even better.