Drycreek3189, Back when I had my shop, a customer brought in a new 7 1/2" SBH for an action job that he just got back from having it Magnaported. Notice the Ruger P90 right on the movie poster. Gent walks up to my table and saw S&W Model 696 and whips out money and says I'll take it. SORT BY: Most Recent | Highest Ratings | Lowest Ratings. The MagnaPort process is EDM, which doesn't leave either burrs or sharp edges to shave bullets inside the bore. just pushes even more, tho still. The concussion gets pushed out the muzzle. The good news is that Smith & Wesson appears to have gotten a 5-shot . Note the longer barrel and strengthened frame on the magnum model. Write Review. True recoil. Magna ports are generally located on top of the barrel around the front sight, or where a front sight would be located. Posted on December 13, 2013 by Tim Jerry Miculek, one of the best shooters on the planet and unquestioned master of the double-action revolver, has taken to. P. . The Predator. Recently, SIG has added an extra twist to the LEGION line up by offering their full size 226 and compact 229 with a SIG ROMEO1 reflex sight in the form of the RX models. · #7 · Sep 30, 2006. Hornady 165gr Critical Defense (. k511: I had Mag-Na-Port port, recut the forcing cone, and dish crown two revolvers: a Ruger Super Blackhawk that the barrel had been shortened to 4 5/8 and a. Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! I could not find the gun anywhere but Buds had it ,I got it shipped in about a week thanks ,gun. Mag-Na-port has been tested many times since its inception. The compensator's expansion chamber measured 0. These American-made revolvers ship with a lifetime warranty. Magna Porting stopped excessive muzzle rise/jump on my Pre 64 M70 featherweight . " The cost for the action job is $155 and the porting is $125. com Gold Seller, check out our reviews here. I am thinking about sending my Remington Sendero II (300 win mag) to have the brake put on it. Sticking our head above the parapet and naming winners is our job here. punkinlobber · #2 · Nov 24, 2011. I had my first gun magna-ported by Magna-Port back in 68, a 270, model 760. plus the value would be diminished more with magnaporting. Some new manufacturers are porting small carry pieces like the Sig 365 SAS and IMO the G26 would be well served by porting. Hey everyone, My GP100 has been gone for just shy of two weeks. MagnaPort Feedback. Muzzle brakes force the exploded gas and concussion to the sides. 44 Special)————————–851 fps, 2. but compensating this 8 inch long hunter alleviates the recoil to more than manageable levels and allows you to stay on target if you need a follow up. Mag-Na-Port's work is superb. 20” barrel is no lightweight, but that weight is needed to help tame the recoil the . M Phil · #17 · Sep 6, 2011. A cruder method of simply drilling holes can. 385" long by 0. Overall, the accuracy was spectacular given the Super Blackhawk’s light, single-action trigger pull. Firing . A 2 ½" or 3" Conversion only. The first features a 5. The greater the area, the greater the reduction in recoil. Save your money, pick the loads for your particular gun, for your particular. The ported barrel produced an average of 31 percent less muzzle rise than the non-ported barrel with factory ammunition. The weight difference between the 69 and full-size Model 696 with a similar barrel length is 4 ounces. The rear sight was still set at. Shooting the Charter Arms “Boomer” 44 Special Five-Shot Pocket Cannon - Gunblast. 38 Special and rated for +P. On the 69, the bolt stop notches are machined between each chamber, in the thickest steel. 22LR target pistols to . $400. A Sensible Super Redhawk. Each gun is listed below seperately with a brief description. Even with slower powder but using maximum Full House 250g over w296 in a magnaport 4. Reviews for Mag-Na-Port International in Harrison Township, MI | Not totally in the immediate area but in Harrison Twp, the best Magnaport the great modifiers of recoil is the porting process known as Mag-Na-Port . I ported a M70 300WM and it shoots and handles great. Join Date: February 24, 2011. SigTalk is a forum community dedicated to SIG Sauer enthusiasts. 6”. Company reviews can provide helpful insights into the company culture, working conditions, benefits, compensation, and training opportunities in Magnaport. Ports are usually small, so the ported barrel was tested alongside a Rowland . They were beautiful and fit great and felt very good in my hand. White laboratories findings confirmed a reduction of 20. The model 69 has a capacity of 5, which given the caliber should be plenty. 8 out of 5 . 44 magnum right. magnaporting will reduce the effective barrel length and ballistic performance. Enhanced handling characteristics and improved sights, including a set of Crimson Trace LaserGrips, make it a useful trail or camp gun. The . 38,035. My own ported use is limited to middle range charge, medium wt. Synthetic rubber grip is hand-filling and comfortable. 1 ounces and is 6. Dec 5, 2020. Nothing kills a day at the range like the guy next to you have a ported mag. For most folks, it’s a practice round for use in . The pistol is a well proven Series 80 Colt 1991 A1 pistol. kcq1 said: As to the rarity of the 681/581 compared to the 686/586 I think it is probably because by the time those guns were introduced (late 70's) most cops and others carrying pistols had a strong preference for the adjustable sight models. diamonback68 · #5 · Oct 4, 2011. New Boomer 44 Special compared to Jeff's old Undercover 38 Special deep. Optics and suppressor ready right out of the box and equipped with a pair of cavernous magazines, the new FN 545 Tactical is feature. 8" 25-yard group with Double. 25 September 2021, 04:42 eagle27 Agree on the aesthetics of the MagnaPort but it was designed to just reduce muzzle rise by directing small amounts of. halfmoonclip · #2 · Sep 14, 2020. As someone who has become an advocate for comped pistols in the last year or so, and currently owns two WC Carry-Comp Compacts in 9mm, this MagnaPorted WC got me thinking "Maybe I. I sent it off to Magnaport for their Dual Trap porting service, and also had them dehorn the hammer. My estimate is the process gave about a 20% decrease in felt recoil at. Those guns with 3" barrels and full power 357 Mag loads are very controllable and get back on target very quickly. Description: Ruger Super Blackhawk Mag-Na-Port Safari Series Complete set of 5 guns. $95 plus $22 for return shipping/insurance. A little bit of capacity, and a chunk of weight. On my Sig 226 the Magnaport is clean and finished same color as the slide. In practical terms, the more powerful the load. Predator Master. This revolver is big and heavy and is designed to. 19 reviews. Registered: 01/22/10. 44 Special)————1010 fps, 2. 44 Magnum is not a fun gun to shoot 50 times at the range. S&W 629-1 mag-na-port questions. There are no machine marks, as would be the case subsequent to a drilling operation. Looking at the porting if it was done at Ruger and is called Magnaport, I would have to believe it was under license or sent to Magnaport for this operation As that is Magnaports' registered trademark. 308 and made a slight reduction in recoil -- Just as advertised. But capacity the only reason why the P90 was a popular pistol. The Ruger Super Redhawk was launched in 1987 partly as a remedy to a problem with the popular Redhawk’s barrel to frame attachment. While walking the show, I found a grip vendor with a set of Keith Brown grips for such sized frame. The physics are well known, but the performance is another. · #2 · Jan 22, 2019. 00. Mag-Na-Port International Inc. 44 Magnum round can generate with this short barrel. 8 out of 5 Stars! 5 Stars. If two us are exactly alike, one of us is unnecessary. . It really does. I just got the rifle back from being "Tuned Up" and bedded. Magnaport has been around for a long time and no porting business has a better reputation. a muzzle break can be removed and a cap placed on the threads. ( (586) 469-6727) Claim. Rob Roberts talks About Barrel Porting. With 45k pressure max loads with 300 grain bullets the recoil is still a handful after the break. 960 barrel with a single port compensator. 44 mag redhawk 5. Since then, the Company has ported tens of thousands of firearms, ranging from . ’. . , 454casull. The reviews I have seen regarding the Chunk Port are awesome. 19 Rounds of Good to Go: Review of the FN 545 Tactical . IMHO the P365 SAS with a ported barrel/slide doesn't make a ton of sense by default. At 48 ounces (3 pounds), the Ruger Redhawk with a 4. The EDM (electrical discharge machine) process is to the barrel of a firearm. 33”. Well, yesterday I shipped off my G35 to be ported by Magna-Port. Many PH's will not let a client hunt with a mag brake or porting. the barrel is 26" for a reason. The porting makes them far easier to handle. 4 Stars. I heard it mainly stops muzzle rise . Not long after receiving a Texan for review, a second box arrived with three factory fresh barrels sporting Mag-Na-Port porting. ,Hi Iowegan and nick71 I read the other post on the factory Magnaport. By Twin4uf July 14, 2021 in 1911-style Pistols. 50) Competitive riflemen and hunters know the importance of being able to squeeze off a fast, accurate second shot. They may also reveal information or provide tips on interviewing skill requirements, and other factors that could help when applying for a position at that company. . I will attempt to post up pictures (if I can figure out how to do it. The . 4 ounces and measures just a hair under eight inches long, making it slightly shorter and lighter than your run-of-the-mill five-inch-barreled, steel-framed 1911. Take a look at the best . This change resulted in the bolt stop notches on the outside of the cylinder no longer being machined directly over each chamber, in the thinnest steel on the cylinder. Looking forward to your review. The trick to controlling it is to keep a good, tight grip without locking your arms or wrists out straight. Magna ports reduce barrel rise by forcing the exposed gas up thus pushing the barrel down. com. I had a short barreled Sako in 458 WM and a 454 Casull both with MagnaPort. Published September 8, 2007. The Mag-Na-Port custom is shown with an original Model 640 that is chambered in . Their center is about 1. or a rifle with a mag brake for that matter. I have a 6" 686 no dash that is Mag-na-ported. Since then while running my firearms business I have seen and sold many guns, revolvers. (73 Reviews) Rating 4. The EDM process assures the shotgun owner of smooth incisions of exact dimension. It did reduce muzzle rise notably and made the Casull quite shootable. 450 Bushmaster muzzle brakes down below! At a Glance: Our Top Picks for 450 Bushmaster Muzzle Brakes. The Model 69 Combat Magnum weighs 34. A custom design for maximum concealability, using a Smith & Wesson 29, 629, 25 or 57 or on any N-Frame revolver. This model doesn’t have sights. All are #073. So here goes with the best 44. Tax Relief Corporate Tax. I shoot a . To my knowledge, this relative bought the gun new from a sporting. semi-autos and rifles with different cuts and here is my take on it. . I agree on the problem with the stock design, but you have it a high end stock already, so, I would spend the few extra bucks for the Magnaport. 1 Star. TheTexan Discussion starter · Jul 8, 2021. 44 Magnum, he dubs The Haka! This 1. ROCKEGROUP GLOCK G20 MAGNAPORT: Glock G20 10mm has the custom “BUCK” serial number prefix and the new in box Glock was shipped to Magnaport for their custom compensation package. EasternNChunter. The gold inlay would not work on the Glock lettering, it is too wide and we. Shipping: $200. 73 m in annual revenue in FY 2022. The wide butt section, low bore center and heavy slide and recoil spring means that the . 25" Snake Slayer. The Megaport network lets you connect directly and securely to worldwide cloud regions enabling you to distribute workloads and run the applications from the optimal location. 460 Weatherby Magnums. 4. 5-inch, octagonal barrel. Followers 1. Home / Defense Sidearms Packages / NEW 15 ROUND SINGLE STACK GLOCK 43X MAGNAPORT W/ CUFFS, LIGHT, HOLSTERS, SIG SAUER + WILSON COMBAT AMMO + NEW 15 ROUND SINGLE STACK GLOCK 43X MAGNAPORT W/ CUFFS, LIGHT,. Posts: 67. The author's Super Redhawk was customized by Ken Kelly of Magnaport. Megaport has 1 employees across 5 locations and $109. Hornady 180gr XTP (. Location: Southern Californis. 5" . Twin4uf. RUNNER-UP: Next Level Armament 450 Bushmaster Muzzle Brake.